3 Steps For Successful Transmission Tower Painting

Business Blog

Federal law states that all transmission towers must be painted. The purpose of this law is to ensure that any towers that might extend into commercial air space can easily be seen by pilots.

If you don't paint your transmission tower properly, you could face steep fines and sanctions.

There are some critical steps that must be followed whenever a transmission tower is painted. Learn more about these steps so you will be prepared to paint your own transmission tower properly.

1. Clean the Tower

The longevity of your tower paint will depend on how well you prepare the tower's surface prior to painting. Cleaning is the first step in a proper transmission tower paint job. You will want to use a cleaning solution to remove any dirt and debris.

A wire brush can be a useful tool in eliminating any gunk that has accumulated on the surface of your tower. Only after you have cleaned your transmission tower and stripped it down to the bare metal can you begin applying paint products.

2. Use a Quality Primer

Once you have cleaned your transmission tower, you want to apply a quality primer before you coat the tower in paint. A primer creates an ideal surface for paint to adhere to.

Most transmission towers are made from metal, and a primer can protect the metal against corrosion over time.

The last thing you want is for your paint to flake and slough off when exposed to the elements. A primer can preserve the integrity of your tower paint and ensure your transmission tower remains visible over time.

3. Pick the Right Paint

After cleaning and priming your transmission tower, it's time to apply the paint. Federal regulations specify the acceptable paint colors that can be utilized on transmission towers. Standardizing these paint colors allows transmission towers to be easily identified by any pilot traveling through the area.

Orange and white are the standard colors for transmission towers. You must ensure that the paint you select falls within the acceptable saturation range. The orange must not have too much red or yellow, and the white must be pure and easy to spot from great distances.

Use a government-issued windowed scale to ensure your paint colors will be in compliance once you have painted your transmission tower.

Tower painting is a small task that can have a big impact on your company. Take the time to clean, prime, and paint your transmission tower to ensure it remains visible over time.

Contact a local tower painting service to learn more.


17 February 2021

tax advice for the small business owner

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