3 Benefits Of Commercial Water Softeners

Business Blog

Every year, numerous homeowners install water softeners in their houses and no longer have to deal with the drawbacks of hard water that is filled with heavy minerals. Yet, it is important to note that water softeners can be hugely beneficial even outside of a residential property. Commercial water softeners have many of the same advantages and should be seriously considered by every small business. To learn more about the ways that a commercial water softener can be of use to a small business, read below.

Saving on Repair Costs

The life span of any appliance is usually dictated by how well it is treated during periods of consistent use. Things like water heaters and floor pipes can have their lifespan reduced by the effects of hard water. This is mostly due to the buildup of minerals such as calcium and magnesium. Fortunately, a commercial water softener can rid the water supply of these minerals through methods such as distillation and reverse osmosis. As a result, the buildup is avoided and you won't find yourself paying out of pocket for sudden plumbing repairs.

Maintaining Employee and Customer Satisfaction

If your employees and customers (such as those in a salon or gym) ever use the water supply to regularly wash their hands, face, or hair, then it is worthwhile to invest in a water softener. The minerals present in hard water are far from harmful, but they can lead to duller, drier skin. Many people even report feelings of an itchy scalp after rinsing their hair with hard water. There is simply no reason to risk employee or customer dissatisfaction just because you have not yet installed a water softener.

Making a Good First Impression

If your business is customer-facing, then you should work to ensure that every aspect of its appearance is kept looking as good as possible. Unfortunately, this is hard to do if you regularly clean surfaces and fabrics with hard water. After just one or two cleanings with water that contains heavy minerals, you can expect to see faint white spots on solid surfaces and duller colors of fabrics.

While commercial water softeners do require an initial investment that may seem unnecessary for some business owners, the truth is that water softeners will often pay for themselves in the long run by helping you avoid costly appliance damage, employee and customer dissatisfaction, and bad first impressions.

To learn more, contact a water softener supplier in your area.


9 March 2023

tax advice for the small business owner

Tax time comes around every single year. Do you file married jointly or separately? Do you claim your property taxes and medical bills? What about a home office and the expenses for it? Were there any changes in tax laws that you should be aware of? My site is filled with advice for small business owners for tax time. You will learn how to get the most from your return and what could trigger an audit or red flag on your tax forms this year. Hopefully, what I have included on my site will help at least a few small business owners get through tax time with less stress.